
I dig on people and things that are broken, battered and bruised but never beaten held together by duct tape, bungee cords, wire ties and band-aids. Sprinkle in a little rust and blood with spots of black and blue for color and we are set…


As a photographer first, I have always found photos more pleasing and tend to hold more personal value to an individual or subject, where as video is too fast and fleeting but I know it has its purposes as well


Soulcaptor has derived from the belief among many ancient cultures that a photo or video captures the soul of the individual. As a photographer who has been allowed the fortunate position of capturing the split second in time of ones soul has defiantly become a great honor. So as it is sometimes customary to take extra photos to give back to the individual therefore returning their soul back to them, I share them here.

Design Drafting

I have been doing design work for well over 30 years now which started back in the 80s while going to a Votec school learning about aircraft and how to earn an A&P licence.


Soulcaptor Photography has derived from the belief among many ancient cultures that a photo or video captures the soul of the individual and as a practice it is customary to take an extra photo out of respect and therefore returning their soul back to them


I have always had a love hate relationship with videography and video in general when it came to capturing certain types of events such as skateboarding or roller derby sometimes a photo doesn't do justice on the more technical stuff


A 20 year background in Website building including building LAMP servers, working with Linux, Apache, MySql and PHP, also made working websites on Microsoft platforms, today I currently manage 5 live websites


Well over 30 years of design drafting, I have had the opportunity to be a part of history as I have designed climate controls for movie theaters around the world, design projects for San Diego's Natural history meuseum and helping to keep water flowing